Friday, September 25, 2009

High Heat.

Ok, my first Friday confession is that I dry most of my laundry in a dryer, and don't have anywhere to hang it outside.  I live in an apartment, and although I'm not trying to make excuses, there you have it.  I know that I could make some sort of line out back, it would only be about 4 feet wide, and makeshift at best.  I could buy one of those racks and set it up outside every time I do laundry, I know I could, and I'm just being lazy.  One good thing I will say for myself, is that due to a fear of shrinkage or wearing clothes out before their time, my mother taught me never to fully dry many of my clothes.  So I only dry my jeans, shirts, and dress clothes (and some of my husband's shirts) for about 8 minutes and then hang them up on doorways in my apartment, so that does cut down on some drying in the dryer...but I do dry everything else fully. 

Ok, I will work on remedying this awful truth, I'll make a promise to you, my blogger friends!

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