Friday, October 16, 2009

My Diet

I have been trying so hard to eliminate dairy from my diet. I don't like what I have read on the dairy industries and their treatment to the animals and the earth. My confession this week, is...................... I eat CHEESE!!!!! AND EGGS! I once went an entire year milk-product free. I felt great! I lost weight, had great skin, and rarely felt sick. But sometime in the past year I don't even think twice about eating it. I don't drink milk, but I do eat cheese! Why? I don't know. Maybe exposing my lack of self-control will motivate me to do what makes me feel great!

I will probably always eat eggs that come from a chicken I know. A family friend gives me a dozen every so often. I know that those eggs come from a chicken that was fed a vegetarian diet, and given fresh air and natural light.

So I am going to give up milk products!! Starting tomorrow.... and I will update occasionally on my confessions.

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