Friday, October 9, 2009

living with Ed...I mean Bix.

Did you ever watch Living With Ed on Planet Green? That show cracks me up...kind of. The premise (in case you haven't seen it) is that eco-man Ed is full of ideas on how to implement green living into his life while his wife tries to run a normal-ish house. He would be happy as a clam installing a 50-gallon fluorescent chartreuse rain barrel at the entrance to their house, while she would rather find something that complements the decor.

I feel like i'm living with Ed sometimes.

Bix just installed a water saving something or other on our upstairs toilet. I had no problems with our toilet before, but he felt we could be saving more water. I'm all for saving resources, so...our toilet now saves water. Did I mention I had no problems with our toilet before?? Now, when I need to flush the toilet, I have to stand by the toilet, holding down the handle for a few minutes while it gathers the momentum to actually flush. If you take your hand off of the handle (because who has time to stand by the toilet waiting for it to flush?!) it stops the flushing process and you have to start all over again.

Oh, Bix, what have you done to me?!

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