Friday, October 2, 2009

I despise leftovers.

Well, after Nichole's amazing life-story post, this seems silly and menial, but alas it's my Friday confession.  I throw away food.  "People are starving in Africa," and I THROW AWAY FOOD!  Ok, that Africa thing is a bit old school, something your parents told you when you wouldn't eat your broccoli as a child.  Which, frankly, to this day I don't understand how my eating something that I don't want helps a starving child in Africa (or anywhere in America for that matter).  Food drive donations or helping at a soup kitchen may, but eating leftover tuna casserole that has seen it's day will not.  One of the problems is cooking for two.  When it's just the Hub & I for dinner, we don't eat an entire casserole or dish I prepare.  With false hope I think, "Oh good, we'll eat that another night this week and I won't have to cook!!!", but it just never turns out that way because we're not in the mood for the same thing twice.  And other than Italian, food doesn't generally taste as good the second, third, or fourth day.  Sometimes the Hub will take some leftovers to work with him for lunch, which makes me feel like a good wife.  And I hope as his male co-workers warm their Lean Cuisines up in the microwave, he shows off a good home cooked meal and they wish their wives could be more like me! ...  But more often than not, even if he does take some for lunch one day, we end up throwing away a good portion of a perfectly tasty meal, and I do feel badly about wasting food.

Maybe we need a dog.

1 comment:

semigreengirls said... need a dog!!!!!!!